Our RTB Endpoint implementation is intended for publishers that want to access our server-to-server unified auction, but using a single server-side call instead of one of the client-side methods we offer. Often this is the case when the publisher has internal server-side technology managing their inventory.
Our RTB Endpoint is in private beta, so you will need to contact Support before using.
To use the endpoint:
1. Contact Support, and we will issue you your endpoint with the following format: https://e.serverbid.com/openrtb?s=[unique ID]
2. Configure your demand and placements through the ServerBid UI. Configurations will look no different than configurations accessed via other ServerBid activation options (e.g. Prebid, API, Ad Tags).
3. Using OpenRTB protocol, access your endpoint, making sure to include the following fields:
OpenRTB Parameter | Parameter Value Format | Source | Mandatory? |
id ('site' object) | numerical | 'siteId' from ServerBid UI | Yes |
tagid ('imp' object) | numerical | 'zoneId' from ServerBid UI | Yes, but only if you want to track by zoneId |
ua ('device' object) | e.g. "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_2; en-us)" | your server | No, but its absence will affect bids |
ip ('device' object) | e.g. "" | your server | No, but its absence will affect bids |
page ('site' object) | string - the URL of the webpage | your server | No, but its absence will affect bids |
domain ('site' object) | string - the domain of the webpage | your server | No, but its absence will affect bids |
Other parameters that are important to your auction behavior, such as bid floor and network margin (if applicable) are set in the ServerBid UI and managed by our servers.